Add Icons to the Nav
This guide will help you add custom icons to your website's navigation, cart, and login using a simple JavaScript file. You can configure it without knowing much about JavaScript. Just follow these steps!
Starter Setup
This is a quick setup that will insert the icons and use the navigation default size and color, and apply the same settings to mobile navigation.
Copy this code and paste it into the code injection header area: Pages >Website Tools > Code Injection.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",wght,FILL,GRAD@20..48,100..700,0..1,-50..200"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
const googleIconConfig = {
display: "left", // Where to display the icon: right, left, above, below, false (to hide)
iconStyle: "outlined", // Icon style: outlined, sharp, rounded, default (outlined is default)
color: "default", // Icon color: "default" or a HEX code like "#FF5733"
iconSize: "default", // Icon size: "default" or a specific size like "1.4rem"
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "home"}, // Add an icon to the 1st navigation item
{ order: 2, iconName: "star" }, // Add an icon to the 2nd navigation item
// Continue to add as needed
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart" }, // Add an icon to the cart (set to false to disable) *Best results when Cart is set to text
login: { iconName: "person" }, // Add an icon to the login (set to false to disable)
mobileIcons: true, // Enable icons on mobile (set to false to disable)
Customize your Icon Library
Go to the Google Material Icons library and customize your fonts. Once your happy, click any icon and look for the Static icon font. Take note of the style you chose (Outlined, Rounded, Sharp)
Copy the static font and paste BEFORE the plugin code.
Copy this and add to the code injection.
Now, you can customize the settings to configure how the icons look on your website. Below is a simple guide to help you understand each setting and how to configure it.
Configuration Options Explained
You will configure your settings using a googleIconConfig object like this:
const googleIconConfig = {
display: "left", // Where to display the icon: right, left, above, below, false (to hide)
iconStyle: "outlined", // Icon style: outlined, sharp, round, default (outlined is default)
color: "default", // Icon color: "default" or a HEX code like "#FF5733"
iconSize: "default", // Icon size: "default" or a specific size like "1.4rem"
spacing: "5px", // Icon spacing from the text
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "shopping_cart"}, // Add an icon to the 1st navigation item
{ order: 2, iconName: "email" }, // Add an icon to the 2nd navigation item
// Continue to add as needed
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart" }, // Add an icon to the cart (set to false to disable) *Best results when Cart is set to text
login: { iconName: "login" }, // Add an icon to the login (set to false to disable)
mobileIcons: true, // Enable icons on mobile (set to false to disable)
mobileDisplay: "right", // Where to display the icon on mobile (left, right, above, below)
mobileIconSize: "default" // Mobile icon size: "default" or a specific size
This is a great start, and will provide you consistent icons that match your navigation colors and size, as well as included in the mobile navigation.
Understanding the Configuration Options
Let’s go over each option and how to set it:
1. display
Where should the icon appear relative to the text?
Options: "right", "left", "above", "below", or "false" (to disable the icon).
display: "above", // Displays the icon above the text
2. iconStyle
Insert the the style you chose for your icons. For example if you chose Outlined.
Options: "outlined", "sharp", "rounded", or "default" (which is "outlined").
iconStyle: "outlined", // Uses the outlined style for icons
3. color
You can use "default" to use the website’s CSS color (it will be the same color as your site navigation).
Or, you can set a custom color using a HEX code (e.g., "#FF5733").
color: "#FF5733", // Sets a custom color for icons
4. iconSize
You can use "default" to let the website’s CSS control the size (it will be the same size as your site navigation).
Or, specify a size (e.g., "1.4rem" or "24px").
iconSize: "1.4rem", // Sets the icon size to 1.4rem
5. spacing
Control the amount of space between the icon and text.
You can use "default" which won’t set a spacing.
Or, specify a size (e.g., "0.4rem" or "4px").
spacing: "4px", // Sets the spacing between the icon and text
6. iconOnly
Only shows the icon, not the navigation text.
It is disabled by default.
You can use true, to only show the icons.
iconOnly: false, // Sets the nav to only show icons not the associated text
7. navItems
Time to set the icons!
Go to the Google Icons Library, pick an icon, and scroll down to the Icon name and copy it.
Set up the array of objects, each representing a navigation item (example below).
Use the order number to specify which navigation item (1 is the first item, 2 is the second, and so on).
iconName should be the name of the Google Material Icon you want to display.
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "shopping_cart" }, // Adds a shopping cart icon to the first item
{ order: 2, iconName: "email" }, // Adds an email icon to the second item
8. cart and login
Do you want to add icons to the cart and login buttons?
If you want to add an icon to the cart or login button, provide the iconName.
If you want to disable the cart or login icon, set it to false.
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart" }, // Adds a shopping cart icon to the cart button
login: false, // Disables the login icon
The cart icon will best work if the cart is set to text in Squarespace. Note that it will not appear in mobile, this is a Squarespace default setting.
9. mobileIcons
Do you want icons on mobile devices?
Set to true to enable, or false to disable. It is true by default if not included.
The nav items in the mobile will take on what you configured in desktop.
mobileIcons: true, // Enables icons on mobile
10. mobileDisplay
You can override the mobile icon display if it needs to be different that desktop.
Options: "right", "left", "above", "below", or "default" (which uses the desktop setting).
mobileDisplay: "right", // Displays the icons to the left of the text on mobile
Adjust the Icons Top Position With Minimal CSS (Left and Right Display)
The nav icons may be look too high or low from the text when you set the display to left or right. To control this you can play with top property css settings to get it right. Insert this css by going to Pages > Website Tool > Custom CSS and adjust the number.
/* Desktop */
top:2px !important; /* adjust the number and or unit */
/* Mobile */
.header-menu .material-icons{
top:3px !important; /* adjust the number and or unit */
Advanced Customization
If you're comfortable with the basics and want more control over how your icons look, this section is for you! Here, we'll explore how to:
Override global settings for individual items.
Customize mobile-specific settings like mobileIconSize and mobileColor.
Disable icons for specific items.
Overriding Global Settings for Individual Items
You can customize specific navigation items, cart, and login icons by overriding the global settings. This means you can set different display, iconStyle, color, and iconSize for individual items.
How to Override Settings for Individual Items:
In your navItems, cart, or login configurations, add the properties you want to override.
If you don't specify a property, it will use the global setting.
const googleIconConfig = {
// Global settings
display: "right",
iconStyle: "outlined",
color: "default",
spacing: "5px",
iconSize: "1.4rem",
// Navigation items
navItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
display: "left", // Overrides global display setting
color: "#FF0000", // Overrides global color
iconSize: "2rem", // Overrides global icon size
iconStyle: "round", // Overrides global icon style
spacing: "7px", // Overrides global spacing size
order: 2,
iconName: "info",
// Uses global settings for display, color, iconSize, and iconStyle
// Cart icon
cart: {
iconName: "shopping_cart",
display: "above", // Overrides global display setting
color: "#00FF00", // Overrides global color
// Login icon
login: {
iconName: "person",
iconSize: "2rem" // Overrides global icon size
// Mobile settings
mobileIcons: true,
mobileDisplay: "left",
mobileIconSize: "1.2rem",
mobileColor: "#0000FF",
mobileNavItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
color: "#FFA500", // Overrides both global and mobile color
iconSize: "1.5rem" // Overrides both global and mobile icon size
mobileLogin: {
iconName: "person_outline",
iconStyle: "sharp", // Overrides global icon style
Customizing Mobile Configurations
You can customize settings specifically for mobile devices using properties that start with mobile
. These settings allow you to have different icons, colors, sizes, and positions on mobile compared to desktop.
Mobile Configuration Options:
mobileIcons: true or false (default is true)
Enables or disables icons on mobile.
mobileDisplay: "right", "left", "above", "below", or "default" (uses desktop setting)
mobileIconSize: "default" (uses CSS size), or specify a size like "1.2rem"
mobileColor: "default" (uses CSS color), or specify a color like "#FF5733"
mobileSpacing: "default" (uses no spacing), or specify any css spacing like "5px"
mobileIconOnly: true or false (default is false), shows only the icon on mobile
mobileNavItems: An array of navigation items for mobile (overrides desktop navItems on mobile)
mobileLogin: Configuration for the login icon on mobile
*mobileCart: There is no mobileCart config because Squarespace overrides with their own mobile cart settings.
const googleIconConfig = {
// Global settings
display: "right",
iconStyle: "outline",
color: "default",
iconSize: "1.4rem",
// Navigation items
navItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
display: "left",
color: "#FF0000",
iconSize: "2rem",
iconStyle: "round"
order: 2,
iconName: "info",
// Uses global settings
// Cart and login
cart: false, // Disables cart icon
login: {
iconName: "person",
iconSize: "2rem"
// Mobile settings
mobileIcons: true,
mobileDisplay: "left",
mobileIconSize: "1.2rem",
mobileColor: "#0000FF",
mobileNavItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
color: "#FFA500",
iconSize: "1.5rem"
mobileLogin: {
iconName: "person_outline",
iconStyle: "sharp" // if different than global settings make sure to insert the font
Full Configuration Example
const googleIconConfig = {
// Global display setting for icons (left, right, above, below)
display: "left",
// Icon style (outlined, sharp, round, default)
iconStyle: "outlined",
// Global color for icons (default or any valid CSS color)
color: "default",
// Global icon size (default or any valid CSS size value)
iconSize: "default",
// Global spacing between icon and text, can leave blank to default
spacing: "2px",
// Global setting for icon-only mode
iconOnly: false,
// Configuration for desktop navigation items
navItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
color: "#FF5733", // Override global color
iconSize: "1.2rem", // Override global size
spacing: "0.75rem", // Override global spacing
display: "left", // Override global display
iconOnly: true // Override global iconOnly
order: 2,
iconName: "star"
// Uses global settings for color, size, spacing, display, and iconOnly
order: 3,
iconName: "deployed_code",
display: "above" // Override global display
// Configuration for cart icon
cart: {
iconName: "shopping_cart",
color: "#33FF57", // Override global color
iconSize: "1.5rem", // Override global size
spacing: "0.6rem", // Override global spacing
display: "left", // Override global display
iconOnly: false // Override global iconOnly
// Configuration for login icon
login: {
iconName: "person",
color: "#5733FF", // Override global color
iconSize: "1.3rem", // Override global size
spacing: "0.55rem", // Override global spacing
display: "right", // Override global display
iconOnly: true // Override global iconOnly
// Enable icons on mobile
mobileIcons: true,
// Global mobile display setting (overrides global display for mobile)
mobileDisplay: "left",
// Global mobile icon size (overrides global iconSize for mobile)
mobileIconSize: "1rem",
// Global mobile spacing (overrides global spacing for mobile)
mobileSpacing: "0.4rem",
// Global mobile icon-only setting (overrides global iconOnly for mobile)
mobileIconOnly: false,
// Configuration for mobile navigation items
mobileNavItems: [
order: 1,
iconName: "home",
color: "#FF8C00", // Override global and desktop color
iconSize: "1.1rem", // Override global mobile size
spacing: "0.6rem", // Override global mobile spacing
display: "above", // Override global mobile display
iconOnly: true // Override global mobile iconOnly
order: 2,
iconName: "star"
// Uses global mobile settings for color, size, spacing, display, and iconOnly
order: 3,
iconName: "deployed_code",
display: "right" // Override global mobile display
// Configuration for mobile login icon
mobileLogin: {
iconName: "account_circle", // Override desktop login icon
color: "#2196F3", // Override global mobile and desktop login color
iconSize: "1.2rem", // Override global mobile size
spacing: "0.45rem", // Override global mobile spacing
display: "right", // Override global mobile display
iconOnly: true // Override global mobile iconOnly
Fallback Mechanism
If a mobile-specific setting is not provided, the script will fallback to the desktop configuration.
For example, if you don't specify mobileIconSize, it will use iconSize from the global settings.
Similarly, if mobileNavItems is not specified, it will use navItems for mobile.
Disabling Icons for Specific Items
If you want to disable icons for certain items or sections:
Set the item or section to false.
navItems: false, // Disables icons for all navigation items
cart: false, // Disables the cart icon
login: false, // Disables the login icon
mobileIcons: false, // Disables all icons on mobile
Configuration Examples:
Unique Colors Icons
const googleIconConfig = {
display: "left",
iconStyle: "outlined",
color: "default", // This will be overridden by individual colors
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "home", color: "#FF5733" },
{ order: 2, iconName: "star", color: "#33FF57" },
{ order: 3, iconName: "deployed_code", color: "#3357FF" },
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart", color: "#FF33F1" },
login: { iconName: "person", color: "#33FFF1" },
mobileIcons: true,
Desktop Result
Mobile Result
Icons Above in Desktop, Left on Mobile
const googleIconConfig = {
display: "above",
iconStyle: "outlined",
color: "default",
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "home" },
{ order: 2, iconName: "star" },
{ order: 3, iconName: "deployed_code" },
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart" },
login: { iconName: "person" },
mobileIcons: true,
mobileDisplay: "left", // Override display for mobile
Desktop Result
Mobile Result
Icons in Desktop, No icons in Mobile
const googleIconConfig = {
display: "left",
iconStyle: "outlined",
color: "default",
navItems: [
{ order: 1, iconName: "home" },
{ order: 2, iconName: "star" },
{ order: 3, iconName: "deployed_code" },
cart: { iconName: "shopping_cart" },
login: { iconName: "person" },
mobileIcons: false, // Disable icons on mobile
Desktop Result
Mobile Result
You cannot use other Icon Libraries with this plugin.
Cart icon only works with text style cart in Squarespace. The custom cart icon will not show in mobile.
Folder nav items in the header nave will get icons, but you cannot apply icons in the folder content items.